Preschool & Kindergarten - Early delays with learning to speak
- Articulation delays
- Mixing up sounds in words (such as saying "aminal" for animal)
- History
of ear infections
- Confuse left and right
- Late to establish hand domionance
- Difficulties remembering sequences
(counting, saying the alphabet, saying days of the week and months of the year in order)
- Hard time with sound activites (such as hearing and making rhymes, learning the names and sounds of letters,
breaking words into sounds)
- Inconsistent memory for basic sight words (know
one day, gone the next; can read a word on one page and can't read the same word later)
Elementary School - Still inconsistent with basic sight words
- Can't seem to sound out new words
- When reading out loud, sound slow,
labored, and choppy; often overlook punctuation and no inflection
- Misread similar
looking words (form-from, could-cold, who-how, saw-was)
- Get visibly tired and
rub eyes when reading
- Lot of confuction of b-d when reading and writing
- Substitue similar meaning words when reading
- Misreads, omits, and
adds small function words (a, an, from, the, to, were, are, of) and omits or adds suffixes (s, ing, ed)
- Spelling often a problem
- Can memorize words for a spelling test but
cannot remember them later or spell them correctly when writing
- Continue to
misspell high frequency words (they, what, where, does, because) even after much practice and exposure
- Can have poor handwriting quality, slow writing speed, and problems copying from the board or a book
- Often avoid reading and writing activities
- Often stronger in math
but can have problems remembering math facts such as multiplication tables and sequences in a problem
- Math can be negatively affected by reading problems when student is expected to read the math word problem
- Can have difficulties learning to tell time on a clock with hands
Middle School, High School, College, & Adulthood