Students with documented Learning Disabilities
and/or ADHD can qualify for and receive testing Accommodations when taking college entrance and other "high stakes"
exams (such as ACT, SAT, LSAT, MCAT) Examples of ACT Accommodations are Extended Time status (with time and a half each section/90 minutes versus 60 minutes) and Special Testing status (when a student requires more than extra reading time such as taking the test over multiple, un-timed sessions, audio presentation of the reading, enlarged print, etc.). Getting an updated Learning Evaluation in high school can be a good idea in
order to receive Academic Accommodations when attending college (such as priority registration
for smaller classes, extended time for testing, oral testing, an assigned note-taker/scribe for class lectures, use of keyboard
for any written work, etc.). All public and private colleges and universities now provide such learning services. |